Embedding nutrients in urban climate thinking
Although decision-makers are trying to better manage urban nutrient flows, including through the implementation of ecological infrastructure programs, there is still a lack of empirical knowledge as to how such programs affect the fate of nutrients and the ecosystem services that depend on nutrient flows. It is urgently necessary to decrease losses of phosphorus and nitrogen to the environment and increase circularity. At the same time, strategies that are implemented must be both efficient under current conditions and support the resilience of food, water, and waste systems in the face of a changing climate.
Summer 2024 research assistants (left to right: Aiyshah Kirmani, Ryan Quirk) preparing soil and manure samples for third-party testing.
This work is supported by NSERC Discovery Grant, as well as Western Social Science Faculty funding.
This research program combines empirical and modeling approaches to integrate cross-scale dynamics in novel ways to advance our knowledge of urban nutrient flows. This involves working with gardeners and farmers around London Ontario in their own plots, as well as the set up of a living lab on Western’s campus to better monitor leachate and runoff year-round.
The goals of this program are to…
Project Updates
September 2024:
Phase One of the project, which involved surveying current gardening practices, has been completed. A preliminary gardener report with compiled data and findings is available here.
Next steps:
Begin Phase Two, which explores nutrient flows through installed lysimeters, soil and moisture probes, and leaf wetness sensors in urban gardens.